Health Benefits Driving Sale of Organic Agave Syrup and Nectar

Agave syrup and agave nectar had been part of the Mexican healing systems for thousands of years. Now it is a staple of the modern world for medical and commercial use. The varied benefits of organic 100% blue agave syrup are expanding its use as a food supplement and a substitute for sugar. The diabetic population has found Agave, a great remedy thanks to its natural sweetener properties. In the market, there is heavy demand for organic blue agave syrup and organic agave nectar. Agave syrup finds extensive applications. It is used as a favorite in the food and food supplement industries with its role as a desired natural ingredient for food, beverages, and food supplements for flavor enhancement, sweetness, and other pleasant sensory features. Organic blue agave nectar has been recognized by the European Food Authority (EFSA) and duly placed in its Fruit and Vegetable Products table. In the food industry, Agave syrup is widely used in preparing sweet spreads, syrups, yogurt,...